October 6, 2012

The Babywearing Workout

Before I got pregnant I was overweight. Then I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy!

Now I want to share with you how my new life as a babywearing and breastfeeding mom was all I needed to lose the baby weight and now weigh less than I did before I became pregnant. By month 5 I had already lost the 50 lbs and by month 10 I had lost a total of 70 lbs! I believe our bodies know exactly what to do and there will never be another time in your life more optimal for losing the weight than from the time you go into labor until around your baby’s 1st birthday. You have everything you need to lose the weight. You don’t need a gym membership. You don’t need a personal trainer (you already have one that is attached to you 24 hours a day anyway). You don’t need to pay someone to make you get on a scale every week. You don’t need those diet pills that cost a fortune and are terrible for your health in the long run. All you need is your baby! Oh and some kind of soft carrier.

I created this workout after I found myself moving and bouncing around with Kayla in her Mai Tie trying to put her to sleep a few times a day. I decided that if I was going to be moving around so much anyway I might as well be doing some exercises since there was no way I was going to be getting someone else to watch her while I took myself to the gym. Ha! Yea right...that was never going to happen. And so was created The Babywearing Workout. Not only was I getting a good workout but Kayla was also falling asleep so much easier than she was before! I felt like I found the answer to all of a mother's questions (well 2 anyway). I wanted to share this with every new mom I knew. So here I am...sharing it with you!

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DVD's are coming soon!

Check out my new website www.thebabywearingworkout.com 
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