August 27, 2011

Turning our Breech Baby: 38-39 weeks

It has been a pretty easy and uneventful pregnancy so far. With the exception of the usual aches and pains that come along with all of the changes pregnancy makes to our amazing womanly bodies!

It was again another fairly smooth midwife visit for our 37 week check up (Thursday morning).
Baby's Heart Rate- Good  
Head Down towards pelvis
No dilation

One minor problem...I had a yeast infection. Midwife "prescribed" acidophiles and to start use of Monistat 7.
I had a slight uneasy feeling about using the Monistat 7 pregnant but she assured me that it would be fine. That Friday evening I started using it.

Around 3 days later I was relaxing on the couch and I felt some pretty significant movement from the baby. I was surprised but didn't think much more of it than that.

Our next visit for our 38 week check up (the following Thursday morning).
BP- Good
Baby's Heart Rate- Good
OH NO WHAT IS THIS???? The baby had all of sudden turned into a breech position.
The midwife was 99% sure it was breech. I could even feel the little bobble head right in the middle underneath my ribs. Shit. I was really starting to freak out. The midwife will not deliver a breech baby. Hospitals in NYC will send you directly to a vaginal delivery's on breech babies. (yes I know that is silly....oh by the way there are a couple of docs that I heard will do it but only for $10,000 Cash insurance coverage....lovely)

So we decided to go for our very first ultra sound to find out 100% for sure that it was breech, exactly what position breech it was and where the placenta was located. That very afternoon on our way home from the midwife I was on the phone calling around to find a place that would see us that day and would take our insurance. We found one and went straight there. Sure enough....breech....frank breech to be exact (butt down in pelvis with feet up near head-folded in half) but the placenta was posterior (towards the back of the uterus).

Next do we get this baby turned ASAP so we can have the home birth we were so looking forward to and avoid the c-section that was completely freaking me out.

Friday-Sunday--We tried it all: 20-30 min Pelvic Tilts with an ice pack on the baby's head, music in my pants and a flashlight trying to direct the baby into position. This we did twice a day in addition to inversions for 30 seconds each (check out for these techniques that have been proven to work on flipping breech babies). We also went to the swimming pool and I did as many handstands as I could muster. Then acupuncture/moxibustion was next on the list. That, I would have to say, the baby reacted to the most. During the procedure the baby started moving around like crazy! She sent us home with some of our own moxibustion to do twice a day...we did that. Lots of movement but not enough to get the baby to turn.

Now as hard as I was trying to remain calm, since I know that my stress level would in no way help this baby to relax and turn around on it's own, I just couldn't pull myself together. All weekend long in between (and sometimes during) these "tricks" I was having some serious melt downs. I couldn't stop crying and at one point I think I even yelled and threw an ice pack across the room at Tony...for those of you that know me...COMPLETELY out of my character! The idea of having to have a c-section was just putting me over the edge. During all of this I was scouring the Internet, calling my insurance company (a stressful event on it's own) emailing doulas and other resources trying to find a doctor that would take my insurance and perform an external version for me. After all, I was 38.5 weeks along and each day the baby is getting bigger which will make it less likely to be able to turn and if I go into labor before that happens we would need to go straight to the hospital for that damn c-section. As you can image the urgency of this matter wasn't helping my state of calm (or lack there of).

First thing Monday morning at 8am I was on the phone making phone calls to hospitals, doctors, insurance company, etc... here was some of the feedback:
"No sorry we don't do versions on patients that aren't ours."
"No sorry we don't take your insurance."
"A what? A version....I don't know what that is."
"Yes we do have a doctor that can do versions. He can get you in today! Oh sorry we don't take your insurance but we take cash. I have an apt available at 3pm just bring your records and $1300 cash" (don't have that kind of money right now)
"Yes I do versions and would love you help you out! I take your insurance but since this procedure is so risky we have to do in the hospital and the one I work with doesn't accept your insurance. Sorry."
"What? You're 38 weeks pregnant and you don't have your own OB. You're doing a home birth? What were you thinking? You waited way to's your fault you are in this situation."
"I'm sorry our next apt is 3 weeks from now and since you aren't one of our patients we can't help you's too late"
"No I'm sorry we can't help should really get yourself to the ER right away"

I probably called 20 different places and kept getting these kinds of replies. (after being put on hold for 5-20 mins each time)

Finally around 1pm I got through to an actual doctor at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Labor and Delivery Unit.
Yes they had a doctor that performed external versions. He was on staff that day. I would need to come into the triage unit and they were a little busy but if I didn't mind waiting they would get to me when they could.
Did they take my insurance? She didn't know but transferred me to another department (again on hold for 20 mins). Finally....yes they would accept my insurance!!

We got there as quickly as we could. Checked in, waited in the waiting area for about 1.5 hours then they called me back. Tony wasn't allowed to go with me. I changed into the gown put my clothes in a bag and then the doctor came in to tell me that I should have been there first thing in the morning. It was too late in the day for him to try and perform the version in case something went wrong. I needed to come back on Wed first thing in the morning at 8 am. Complete let down. But he took the time to check me anyway-yes it was breech (but no longer frank breech-now it was feet down breech....must have been all those "tricks" I was doing), still a good amount of amniotic fluid, but the back was out towards my belly (makes it almost impossible to turn the baby-so he said). And the fact that I was already 38.5 weeks along he didn't feel confident that it would work and due to the risks I may need to go straight into an emergency c-section. But if I still wanted to he would be willing to give it a try on Wed morning at 8am.
Then hospital procedures kicked in...they had to monitor me and the baby for 30 mins before they could discharge me. Baby was fine but now my BP was too high for them to let me go (you think!! I wonder why?) So now they had to do blood work as I might have preeclampsia!!! Good lord please. I've been fine up until this point. I let them take the blood but then checked myself out. Told them I'd sign whatever waiver they needed me to sign but I was not sticking around for another 2 hours to wait for the results of my blood test. Call me if there was a problem (which I knew there wouldn't be).  No call came.

So being my punctual Virgo self we were back at the hospital Wed morning (now 38 weeks 6 days) at 8 am to get this version done and go home to have my home birth.
Another ultra/sound, more monitoring, BP checks, etc.... Then someone came in for an emergency c-section. Then another and another.... They put in a hep-lock "just in case" the version (once they got to me) went wrong and I needed a c-section. Tony is still in the waiting room. Then some more waiting....oh and some more emergency c-sections came in. The waiting was a pain but I would have to say the hep-lock was the worst part! That thing hurt.
Oh and mind you I was asked not eat or drink anything from midnight the night before. Now I'm starving on top of all of it.

Finally around 4pm the doctor made in it to see me and was ready for the version. Residents and nurses were all clamoring around to see it as it's not something that is really done very often any more and most of the time it doesn't work (so they told me). They gave me some medication to relax my uterus which did make me pretty shakey (one of the side effects) and started immediately. 3 painful minutes later the baby was turned around and I felt the head drop down.
I started crying on cue!!!  I was sooooo happy I couldn't believe it. Of course, the doctor had to be a bit of a downer and explain that it didn't mean the baby would stay that way and that there was a reason it flipped around in the first place so we should really be cautious and maybe that home birth wasn't the best option. After all the head could be too big to birth naturally!  LOL (I honestly think the reason the baby turned was beacuse of the Monistat 7 it was trying to get away from....only my theory but my intuition is pretty strong in that direction).
I walked around the hospital halls for 30 mins and they checked again to make sure the head was still down and the heart rate and movement of the baby was still good and we went home.

I do have to say everyone there was very nice to me (including the doctor) and it was well worth the waiting around all day and the 3 mins of pain!!!

It's funny...somewhere in the midst of all this chaos I had reached a point of surrender in the fact that what will be will be and that as much as I would like to I cannot control everything. This was a big life lesson for me and I think in the end is also what helped the baby to turn as easily as it did that day.

Now I'm 39 weeks 2 days and just praying the baby stays put!

It's been a long stressful week but in the end I have found peace and even though we now have Hurricane Irene coming our way at any moment I have no worries or fears. All is and will be good and what will be will be!

August 10, 2011

Maternity Photo Shoot

Tony and I had an amazing bonding experience on our little trip to New Haven, CT to have our maternity photo shoot with my good friend Ian Christmann from Catalyst Photography! If you like what you see and you live in NY, NJ or CT it's well worth the drive:

These were all taken at my 34 week pregnancy mark.

Here are some of our faves:

July 7, 2011

May 20, 2011

Help! I've been invaded

I'm sure you think I'm talking about the little creature that is now growing in my belly but actually I'm talking about myself. I actually feel like I have been invaded by ME!

Weird I know.

But here's the deal. This body that I'm in is not myself. Way deep down inside I am myself but I'm now living in a body that is no longer mine. Huh?

It's a swollen, off balance, awkward, achy, leaky (let me clarify that one....this body likes to leak a lot of salty tear water from it's eyes at any unknown moment), very small brain capacity (can't remember what it was doing to do 2 seconds ago) and has another living growing creature in it's belly that kicks, punches and rolls all around.

All of this is part of a former version of what I used to look like in the mirror.

Ok, I might be getting a little out there but's one of the strangest things that some of us women are so lucky to experience in our lifetimes. Yes what other circumstance could we go through such dramatic and sometimes very uncomfortable changes and know that it is also one of the most wonderful, amazing and miraculous things that only we women are so lucky to experience.

Don't get me wrong...I do have many moments where I feel beautiful, blessed and changed for the better in many ways. I mean it's not only your body that changes through this process but also your entire being. I'm still working it all out but I have to say this is also a spiritual journey that is going to forever change the person I am. More details on that at a later date.

That being said...still I've gone and invaded a body that was once mine and... it's just plain WEIRD.

April 13, 2011

And we have movement!!

Finally...I've been waiting and waiting for the day to come that I would know that it's not just gas or hunger grumblings going on down there. Over the last week  (week 19-20) I've been feeling the baby move off and on each day. When I was trying to find info on what it would feel like it was almost always described as flutters. I have to say that yes that does seem to be the case. However, the majority of the time it just feels like air bubbles or a small finger brushing across the inside of your belly. It's so hard to fully describe or explain it but my mom was right... You will know it when you feel it!  It's so exciting and kind of weird at times but is really starting to make this whole experience REAL.

I know Tony was starting to feel a little jealous and wishing he could enjoy and experience that moment as well but I really wasn't sure how long it would be until it was strong enough to be able to feel it from the outside. We'll surprise surprise...this morning he got to feel his baby for the first time!! It was an extremely strong fluttery vibration that happened twice. The look on his face almost brought mine to tears. Now that is a special moment that I will never forget. It was even more exciting than the first time I felt it!

I've been trying to pay attention to what's going on with me or around me when I feel the movements and I do have to say that a lot of the times it really seems to pick up when Tony is talking or laughing really loud. I think the baby already knows it's daddy :)

What was it like the first time you and/or your spouse felt your baby move that first time?

March 12, 2011

We heard the heartbeat!

So we had the very first appointment with our midwife and it was so much fun!

Once we got through all of the initial questions and health history it was time for the fun part...listening for the heartbeat. She found it right away and we couldn't believe how fast it was. We only listened for about 10 seconds before I started giggling. I don't know what so was funny but I just couldn't stop and the worst part was that we could no longer hear the baby's heartbeat but just the loud static sound of my laughs!

I finally calmed down by looking out the window and holding my breath and I think I must have scared that little one away. No more heartbeat but was told loud and clearly to knock it off and pay attention with a couple of swift kicks. I couldn't feel them but we could sure hear them!

This was the perfect example of that type of moment when you get to giggling at the most inopportune time and can't stop.

We left there with the biggest smiles on our faces and throughout the day we would look at each other and just start laughing thinking about that most amazing and funny moment that we will remember for the rest of our lives!

Do you have a funny story about something that happened while you were pregnant?

February 22, 2011

Finally I found my Midwife!

Living in NYC, such a progressive city, I thought that finding a midwife would be much easier than it was. Even though the actual geographical area is quite small there seem to be clear lines marking how far some midwives will travel if you are doing a home birth. It was actually quite hard to find a generous selection of midwives to chose from. Most listings all consisted of the same 10-12 people/practices. Out of those 10-12 some were already booked up during my September delivery date, others would not travel to my area (Bronx, NY) and others I just didn't feel a connection with. The one's I spoke to were nice but just didn't have that open/warmness I was looking for. (somewhat consistent with the same lack of connection I have found with the majority of New Yorkers I have encountered since I moved here 4.5 years ago...still I was surprised). There seemed to be a air of what I can only describe as pretentiousness or superiority that just really turned me off. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure this is not the case for the majority of midwives out there. Unfortunately, it's just what I encountered in my process of searching.

Finally...I met Linda. Yesterday Tony and I traveled to her home office in NJ (about an hour drive in traffic and snow from our Bronx apartment). The moment she opened the door I felt like we already knew one another! She welcomed us in with a big smile and a huge hug. Yeayyyyy what a relief...she was so welcoming, warm and open that (even if she couldn't tell) I was beaming on the inside. She took her time with us and was willing to talk through any and all subjects and questions that we had. It was great and I knew immediately that our search was over. Here is a link for her website in case you are ever looking for a great midwife in NY:

Our first appointment is next Friday March 4th and we are really looking forward to it. Finding out that you are pregnant as early as we did (4 weeks) really makes this first trimester seem like forever and I've gotten a little anxious wanting to make sure that we are on track and to get some questions finally answered. I've been really great at reading books and researching on the Internet but there is nothing like speaking directly with a professional who you know is looking out for your best interests.

Side note...I know it's been a few weeks since I last wrote. I did experience a few weeks of lovely nauseousness and extreme exhaustion. I just couldn't bring my self to write about anything unless it was to complain about how crappy I felt! Now that I'm almost 13 weeks I do think I'm starting to feel better and get my energy back. I did notice over the last couple of days I did get slammed with pretty nasty headache, which I never used to get. It wasn't until I got my weekly pregnancy update email for 12 weeks did I learn that that's exactly when those "pregnancy headaches" can start to set it. It was funny to realize that at least I am on track with that!

How was your experience finding a midwife?

January 14, 2011

Am I really pregnant?

With exception of all the "symptoms" I've been feeling I still don't think my brain is fully wrapped around this whole idea that there is a growing baby inside of me. When will it kick in? Maybe when the baby actually kicks me! Ha.

Many women experience pregnancy differently but I thought I would share what I've experienced so far for you other 1st time mothers that are as new and as boggled by this whole experience as I am.

I thought I was a lucky one that was not going to get sick....ahhh...did I speak too soon or what!

At week 5 and through the first part of week 6 with the exception of cramping and sore breasts I felt great. Then the second half of week six until now (starting week 8) I have developed what I now know is "Morning Sickness". Never having been pregnant before I thought morning sickness what something you felt once a day and you just got sick and threw up. Well maybe for some that is the case but for me it has been an off and on again nausea of my entire body. It's not subject to just one time of lasts all day long. I'm still cramping here and there, swollen and sore breasts, nausea, headaches, serious exhaustion (that has me couch bound all day long for the last week and half), crazy-ass dreams (wasn't expecting that), peeing what seems like every 20 mins (probably once and hour or so....and that started just after week 4...way earlier than I ever thought would happen) oh and last but not least-constipation...lovely.

I know there is no way I am eating enough but man is it hard to put anything in my mouth. Ginger ale or Ginger tea helps, the cracker thing....ummm...not so much.

I can't wait for the next trimester to come and that I'm one of the lucky ones that will feel better once week 13 or so hits!

So now I'm starting week 8 and here's what's happening:
(don't forget to go to where I got the info and amazing images!)

  • Cartilage and bones begin to form - At the end of this week your baby will have already
             completed 1/5th of the journey 'til his birthday!

  • The basic structure of the eye is well underway - The position is more "newborn" like already!

  • The tongue begins to develop

  • Intestines move out of the umbilical cord into the abdomen.

  • Body grows and makes room - Two months along and this little one is growing inside and out by leaps and bounds!

  • The fingers and toes have appeared but are webbed and short

  • Baby's length (crown to rump) is 0.61 inch (1.6cm) and weight is 0.04 ounce (1gm)
**Find the above info/images at

January 6, 2011

Start of Week 6

Today I am starting week 6 of my pregnancy. It's so interesting to me to know exactly what's happening

with the development of the baby each week. Below is a breakdown of some of the things that  happen

during week 6.

The arms and legs continue to develop - These limbs are stretching out more and more. Later on you will be feeling those feet and elbows up close and personal right in your bladder!

Brain is growing well - Did you know that over the course of the remaining months that your baby's brain will develop over 100 billion neurons? This is just the beginning!

Lenses of the eyes appear - If you could catch a glimpse inside, you would notice your baby's appearance becoming increasing like a newborn's.

Nostrils are formed - The position of the nose seems to shift into its proper place as well. Soon, the nerves running from the nose to the brain appear.

Intestines grow - Initially these are actually located outside the baby's body within the umbilical cord.

Pancreas - Your baby is now equipped to deal with digestive enzymes and take on processing the insulin and glucagons the body needs to function.

January 5, 2011

Holy Cow!

So that theory that some pregnant women can become lactose intolerant is NO JOKE!!

I am a vegetarian and a huge cheese lover so I've always wondered what it was like for people that can't eat dairy. Well now I know....and thankfully I was able to figure it out right away. My insides were turning on me only shortly after eating cheese a few days ago. That didn't fully clue me in though. It wasn't until the next day that I just had to have my all time favorite creamy pasta dish that it hit me....

I'm goings to have to end my affair with dairy....I'm sorry Fettuccini Alfredo but we no longer are going to be able to be together. It's not's me....I'm going through some changes in my life right now and I have to let you go. I'm so sorry. LOL.

Oh well...this is the beginning of the changes we all make for our kids I guess!

Did anyone else experience this change?
Did it go away after you gave birth or did it stick with you?

January 1, 2011

2011 New Year's Resolution's

Moving into a new year with a completely new outlook on my life is probably one of the most exciting times I've ever experienced. Last night it occurred to me that this was the last New Year's Eve that I would have on my own for the rest of my life without being a parent to a beautiful child.

Wow...that is really something to take in!

I've never been big on new year's resolution's but this year is very different.
No longer am I completely responsible for only myself. Each and every choice I make this next year will directly affect and reflect in my unborn baby. So, not only am I making a new year's resolution of great magnitude this year I am making a huge life change.

I think the changes I am now resolving to make to what I eat and how I take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually will be easier than expected. I'm only in the middle of week 6 right now and these changes are already naturally starting to take place. I've always been very self aware but it's amazing at how it seems just in the last 2 weeks that awareness has heightened significantly. I'm taking the time to really notice the changes that are happening to my body from the subtle cramps and breast tenderness to how my body is responding to the different foods I am eating. Knock on wood....I have not started feeling any morning sickness yet but I know it could happen at any moment.

From the second I found out I was pregnant I started drinking this amazing Organic Yogi Mother To Be tea twice a day. I've started making sure I'm eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day. (something I have to be honest I have not been very good about doing for the last many years of my life even with the intentions to do so) My appetite seems to have gotten smaller but not due to nausea. I've been in the habit of only eating when I feel very hungry so I need to pay close attention that I am eating enough each day to give both myself and my baby enough nutrients.

Please be sure to share any tips or products you've found that you love during your pregnancy. There are so many different opinions and products out there I am loving learning about all of them and being able to make the best choice for me.

Well...I'm signing off and heading over to watch the new OWN network...I'm excited to finally have a resource on TV that is smart, thoughtful and educational!! Yeayyy Thank You Oprah!!!
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